Docket & Tracking Number Searches

Searching by Docket Number

PACFile is more than just a filing system. PACFile also provides access to information for the cases in which you have an interest.

The Docket/Tracking Number field on the Dashboard allows you to open the Case Details screen for almost any case when you have entered the corresponding docket number. The Case Details screen includes details on the case participants and attorneys, the docket entries recorded on the case, a list of court dispositions, and whether the case is listed for court session.

For security purposes, unless you are actively participating on the corresponding case and your identify can be verified by PACFile, the following cases types will not be returned in any search, even if you have the correct docket number:

  • Sealed cases

  • Cases on secure docket types (includes Common Pleas Court Juvenile and Dependency cases)

  • Cases on the Supreme or Commonwealth Court's Temporary docket

For more information, refer to the details on Case Search.



Understanding Tracking Numbers

New filings are saved automatically when you reach a certain point in the filing wizard, typically when the Participants tab appears. In less common instances, this save action occurs immediately if you access the wizard through a Create Filing icon Create Filing icon that is associated to a Case Filing Requested notification. Beyond the preservation of the work you have completed up to that point, the act of saving is also significant because it assigns your filing a tracking number.

From the perspective of PACFile, this number is a unique identifier that the system uses to differentiate one filing from the next. This 14-16 character number includes an abbreviation that signifies the court where the filing is being submitted (ex. SUP, SPR, CMW, or CP) and a distinct multi-digit number (ex. WSUPWD00005159 or WCP1515J90005161). After this number is assigned, it can be found in several locations throughout PACFile whenever you are viewing information related to a saved filing. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • When the filing is open in the wizard, it can be found in the Filing Package section (located above the tabs).

  • When the filing appears under any of the tabs featured in the Filings section of your Dashboard.

Furthermore, in rare situations, this tracking number helps the AOPC investigate and address issues that occur during the submission process.



Searching by Tracking Number

In most respects, tracking numbers are more important from a system perspective than to the individuals creating the filings. The possible exception to this rule, however, is the Docket/Tracking Number search function that appears on your Dashboard. When a tracking number is known for a filing in which you, your proxy, or a fellow proxy has saved, you can use this function to open it through the wizard.

The entire tracking number must be entered in order for the search to work properly.

This search function can only be used to locate and open your filings. For privacy and security reasons, you cannot open filings that were initiated by anyone other than you or your proxy group, even if you have the tracking number. Furthermore, a proxy can only search for filings created by a fellow proxy when the filing is created on behalf of a common attorney.